Survival Kit - Le néerlandais dans la communication professionnelle quotidienne : phrases clés

Exercice: Navigator - Introducing yourself

Question 1:

A. What do you say?
You meet a colleague at 3:30pm.

Good morning. Good afternoon. Goodbye.

Question 2:

B. What do you say?
You meet someone for the first time.
How do you do? How are you? How's it going?

Question 3:

C. Who do you work for?
You meet someone for the first time.
My boss is Mark. I report to the operations director. I'm in logistics.

Question 4:

D. The head of the Accounts department is ...

the Comptroller the Legal Counsel the Chairwoman

Question 5:

E. Introduce a new colleague.
Here is our new secretary. Fred, Sally, Sally, Fred This is Mary Jones.